Erectile Dysfunction

  • While ED can occur at any stage of life, it is more frequently observed in older males. Nevertheless, effective treatments are available for individuals of all ages. Men grappling with erectile dysfunction commonly encounter feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, shame or insecurity. If these emotions are not addressed adequately, they may potentially contribute to the development of clinical depression in men.

    Furthermore, It is crucial to highlight that ED can also serve as a precursor or harbinger for underlying medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus.

    In conclusion, meticulous attention must be devoted to the identification and interpretation of various signs associated with ED to enable timely diagnosis and appropriate management strategies tailored to individual patients’ needs.

  • Less than 2% of men with erectile dysfunction experienced their symptoms for the first time before turning 40. Only 4% of individuals reported the onset of symptoms between the ages of 40 and 49. Approximately 1 in 4 disclosed that their erectile dysfunction began between the ages of 50 and 59. Two out of five men stated that their symptoms emerged between the ages of 60 and 69.
